Escorted Family Tours

Family tours with quality safari inclusions

Our escorted safari tours are tailored safaris with safari inclusions to give you an authentic holiday staying at fine safari lodges in the best safari locations usually inside or on the edges of National Parks.

We carefully hand-pick each part of your family safari to include everything you need to explore Uganda and Rwanda in the most authentic way. We may sometimes go beyond expectations and add extra safari inclusions for you to have a memorable safari experience in Uganda and Rwanda. Every safari traveller is different with unique safari travel expectations.

We cater to most budgets and will work with you closely at the safari planning stage so that you, your family, your travel group can each be catered for in a unique kind of way. Say if you are going gorilla tracking but have children in your travel party who are under 15 years of age, as you go gorilla tracking, they will have a choice of activities to participate it on that day either at the lodge or within the locality of the National Park.

For family or group tours we use 8 or 10 seater customised safari vans or 7 seater safari extended Toyota Land Cruisers so that everybody in the safari party has a window seat to soak in the views uninterrupted on safari. For larger groups, we also have in our safari fleet 28 seater 4x4 coasters that can navigate tough roads conditions and get you to each and every safari destination in Uganda and Rwanda with ease. Travelling on safari with a small group or family can you a mixture of places to visit as we try to cater for the safari preferences of all the safari participants. You may be white water rafting along the River Nile one day and perhaps climbing the Rwenzori Mountain the next day, followed by gorillas tracking in Bwindi before spending a few days relaxing on the Island beaches of Bulago in Lake Victoria. There is something for everyone.


Contact Info

Uganda: Katasi Road, Plot 203, Block 200, Namulanda, Entebbe Road, Kampala UG

UK: 87 Caernarvon Close, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 1XE, UNITED KINGDOM.

+256.772-370-111, +44.790.863.9450
